J. Crew Fall Items On Their Way Via UPS - Grey JC Tee Review
I caved. I said I wasn't going to order ANYTHING at FP this fall because I NEED NOTHING .... however, I'm expecting a shipment and some new Fall J.Crew items tomorrow! I jusified the purchase because I needed to order the garden pearl bracelet for a good friend of mine to wear on her wedding day.... and of course I needed to order enough to get free shipping! ha! I ordered the Anton sweater in the heather grey and heather camel in size Small, the Minnie Pant in Coal, among a few other things! There are still a few other things I have my eye on - ankle cords, scattered glass necklace, dream ruffle sleeveless sweater, etc... but I went ahead and ordered the things I couldn't live without! Can't wait! Reviews to come tomorrow (ok - Connor starts school tomorrow - so maybe Tuesday!)